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Monticello Photo Show

Updated: June 25, 2024

The Monticello Camera Club

Monticello, MN


December 21



Calendar of Upcoming Camera Club Meetings

Meetings begin at 7:00 pm and generally run until 8:30-9:00 pm Our meetings are held at River City Extreme which is located at 3875 School Blvd in Monticello, MN. The meeting room will be the ballroom until October 2023. Starting in October it will be the VIP room across the hall from the banquet room. Food/beverage service will be an option from 7:00-7:15 PM at your own expense in either location.

Got ideas for topics/assignments for next year? Want to see changes in how we do our meetings? Comments in general? Email us and let us know your ideas.

We're always considering new topics, speakers, outside events, etc. If you have ideas for us, please feel free to email them to us or bring them up at a meeting.

2024 Camera Club Meeting dates and topics

July 17

  • Assignment: Northern Lights/Astro photos/Sky Photos/Time Lapse Photos
  • Topic: Blind Critique - Chris Lommel

August 21

  • Assignment: Top Vacation Photos/Improved photo based on blind critique (before/after)
  • Topic: Use of triggers and remotes - Don Pfleiderer

September 18

  • Assignment: Time-Lapse photo or photo showing time in some fashion
  • Topic: To be determined

October 16

  • Assignment: To be determined
  • Topic: To be determined

November 20

  • Assignment: To be determined
  • Topic: To be determined

December 18

  • Assignment: Top photo of 2024
  • Topic: Holiday party, open discussion – bring your spouse.  We will be meeting at 6:30 to get our food all ordered in advance of our meeting.


Past Meetings


January 17

  • Assignment: Humorous Photo (anything with a quirky flavor to it)
  • Topic: How to take a good selfie - Heather will present

February 21

  • Assignment: Selfie Photo
  • Topic: Symmetry (share video of topic)

March 20

  • Assignment: Symmetry
  • Topic: Camera gear discussion - members bring in gear and share information/ask questions

April 17

  • Assignment: Sky Photos (Eclipse or other)
  • Topic: How to Develop Your Photography Style - Heather Reinhart
  • Topic: Membership Renewals
  • Topic: Officer Elections

May 15

  • Assignment: Share photos showing your style
  • Topic: Time-Lapse Photography (speaker needed)
  • Topic: Membership Renewals
  • Topic: Officers Announced

June 12th (note date change to 2nd Wednesday of the month)

  • Assignment: No assignment due to meeting being held at Sherburne Refuge
  • Topic: Northern Lights or Astro photos - Meeting will be held at Sherburne Refuge Oak Savanna Learning Center as part of their presentation of the topic. Presented by Bob King (astro Bob) - (



January 18

  • Assignment: Top photos of 2022
  • Topic: Holiday party, open discussion

February 15

  • Assignment: Winter photo shots
  • Topic: Bokeh - bring camera to play - led by Jean Davids

March 15

  • Assignment: Bokeh
  • Topic: Topaz apps - demo by Jean Davids

April 19

  • Assignment: Share before and after of edited photos
  • Topic: Photoshop/Lightroom Q&A – by Jean Davids – presenting her photo editing workflow

May 17

  • Assignment: Share before and after of edited photos
  • Topic: Electronic Flash - Jason at National Camera will present
  • Annual meeting being done via email instead by consensus of April members present at meeting

June 21

  • Assignment: Flash photo
  • Topic: Free editing programs – Keven Juliot will present on a number of freeware versions of photography editing programs

July 19

  • Assignment: July as a topic (fireworks, picnics, camping, anything that represents July)
  • Topic: Photos in the dark - bring camera and play

August 16

  • Assignment: Photos in the dark
  • Topic:  Landscape and Waterfalls – Anthony Hall will present

September 20

  • Assignment: Landscape or Waterfall Photos
  • Topic: Action Photos - presented by Heather Reinhart(videos/discussion) 

October 18

  • Assignment: Action photos
  • Topic: Camera Raw – presented by Kevin Juliot

November 15

  • Assignment: Photos taken in Raw (can be sent already processed)
  • Topic: Shadows and Reflections - Mark Gilgen

December 20

  • Assignment: Top photos of 2023
  • Topic: Holiday party, open discussion


January 19 - via Zoom

  • Assignment: Holiday Lights
  • Topic: Winter / snow photography - Jean Davids will share videos/info and we can discuss as a group.

February 16 via Zoom

  • Assignment: Winter/snow photos
  • Topic: Old Photos - scanning/editing/colorizing - February - Jean Davids

March 16 via Zoom

  • Assignment: Edit and old photo<
  • Topic: Astrophotography presented via zoom by Mike Shaw<

April 20

  • Assignment: night photo
  • Topic: Personal Safety in Photography - Jean Davids

May 18

  • Assignment: spring photo (hopefully)
  • Topic: Finances, Annual meeting
  • Topic: Birefringence – Steve Fowler

June 15

  • Assignment: Your 5 Best All-time Photos – for use as a promotional for seeking new members.  Also include a little bit of info related to yourself and your photography
  • Topic: Pin Hole Camera Photography – Larry Wilson

July 20

  • Assignment: Old time looking photo
  • Topic:  Field trip to Montissippi Park to photograph whatever style photos you wish

August 17

  • Assignment: photos from field trip.
  • Topic: Photographic Symmetry

September 21

  • Assignment: Symmetry
  • Topic: Mike Shaw presenting Astrophotography Image Stacking and Multi-Image Blending - Why and How!

October 19

  • Assignment: stacked photos
  • Topic: Travel Photography - Matthew/Sarah Breiter

November 16

  • Assignment: Travel Photos
  • Topic: Soft Focus presented by Steve Fowler

December 21 - Meeting canceled due to weather


January 20 - via Zoom

  • Assignment: Select A Single Color (white? or other) – Pick a color for the assignment. Images should be primarily this color or at least be the standout color in the photo.
  • Topic: Feature photographer - Jeff Lavigne will start this up for us again. He will also present on photographing tips for the Florida Everglades including places to stay, eat and good places to photograph landscapes and wildlife, especially birds.

February 17

  • Assignment: Five things - person, fork, chair, lamp/light, clock
  • Topic: Snowflakes - Jean Davids will share videos and her experiences and photos
  • Featured Photographer: Jean Davids

March 17

  • Assignment: Snowflakes/Frozen Soap Bubbles
  • Topic: Workshops you have taken or like best (Group share)

April 21

  • Assignment: Best photos you took at a workshop or using a skill you learned at a workshop
  • Topic: Lifestyle Photography - Heather Reinhart has arranged a speaker plus Jean has videos/websites to share

May 19

  • Assignment: Lifestyle Photography
  • Topic: Mobile Device Movie Making - Speaker/Member experiences/video - Jean Davids/Anthony Hall/others

June 16

  • Assignment: share a movie (short one) that you made on your mobile device
  • Topic: Editing video - DSLR or mobile
  • Featured Photographer - Anthony Hall

July 21

  • Assignment: edit video or other?
  • Topic: High Speed Photography - event to follow at Katie Friedman’s place - date/time to be determined

August 18

  • Assignment: High Speed photography
  • Topic: Shooting Flowers - Anthony Hall/Steve Fowler presenting

September 15

  • Assignment: sunflower or flower photos
  • Topic: Voyagers Nation Park - Jeff Lavigne (tentative)
  • Featured Photographer: Heather Reinhart sharing her Alaska Photos and experiences

September 19 Event

Katie Friedman’s house on September 19th starting at 2 pm to try our hand as a group to do some more High- Speed photography.

October 20

  • Assignment: Photos from any kind of park
  • Topic: Forced Perspective/Trick Photography - Heather Reinhart

November 17

  • Assignment: Forced Perspective/Trick Photography
  • Topic: Pet Photography - Katie Friedman/Jean Davids

December 15

  • Assignment: Top photos of 2021
  • Topic: Holiday party, open discussion



January 15

  • Assignment: Holidays/Lensball/Refraction Photos
  • Topic: Food Photography - presenter Keith Drake and videos shared by Jean Davids

February 19

  • Assignment: Food photos
  • Topic: Equine (horse) Photography - presented by Shelley Paulson from Buffalo, Shelley Paulson Photography. Paulson is an award-winning and globally-recognized equine photographer, and has been actively taking photos since 2004.



April 15 - Meeting canceled - Training opportunity scheduled instead at 8PM at your home.

See my email regarding a special live webcast we have been invited to participate in. It is being held by Matt Kloskowski, formerly of Kelby Training. He will teaching on how to edit like a pro using Lightroom and Photoshop. All you should really need is your browser although you can participate using webcam and microphone. See the system requirements test in the note I sent out. Please respond promptly to it to insure we get our spots in this great opportunity. We will be part of other clubs who are also participating at this time.



July 15 - Resuming meetings - Wearing a MASK and social distancing REQUIRED to attend. If not feeling well, do NOT attend.

  • Assignment: Equine or Animal Photo
  • Topic: John Pennoyer - “Shooting on the Fly”
  • Topic: Jean Davids - Future Agenda – group discussion
  • Topic: Jean Davids – Dues are due – how much/how to handle this now

August 19

  • Assignment: Shooting on the Fly
  • Topic: Panoramic Photography - Presented by Anthony Hall? Or done via video

September 16

  • Assignment: Spring - or - Edited panoramic photo??
  • Topic: Editing/Assembling Panoramic photos if needed Q&A/Demo??

October 21

  • Assignment: Fall or Edited Panoramic Photo
  • Topic: Fine Art Flower Photography - Steve Fowler
  • Topic: Changes to club bylaws

November 18 - Beginning of Zoom meetings.

  • Assignment: Fine Art Photo of any kind
  • Topic: Legalities of Photography

December 16 - Zoom meetings ONLY for now

  • Assignment: Best of 2020 Photos (limit of 10 - can start mailing them to Jean any time you are ready)
  • Holiday Celebration


January 16, 2019

  • Assignment: Your ONE favorite photo of 2018 – doesn’t have to be the best but rather your favorite and tell why
  • Topic: Cold Weather Photography – video shared by Jean Davids and info shared by Sanford Smith

February 20 - MEETING CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER - see meeting minutes for full information on the assignment and topics

  • Assignment: Outdoor or Cold Weather photo
  • Topic: Snowflake Photography. Jean Davids will discuss her experiences doing snowflake photos. Others will be encouraged to participate if they have experience as well.

March 20

  • Assignment: Snowflake or macro photo
  • Topic: Chris Lommel will do a critique of photos. Please send the ones you want critiqued to Jean one week in advance of the meeting so Chris can have time to review them first.

April 17

  • Assignment: Say Farewell to Winter
  • Topic: Group Q&A – gather in groups and ask questions about your gear or photo techniques

May 15

  • Assignment: Think Spring
  • Topic: Black and White Photography - Jean Davids/Rick Lockhart

June 18

  • EVENT: 7:30 pm - Take photos of the Corvette Club at River City Extreme. Tips and pointers for doing this will be mailed out in advance of the meeting so that you know what to bring with for equipment. Photo shoot will be done right at River City Extreme out behind the building.

June 19

  • Assignment: Black and White
  • Topic: Share photos from Tuesday Photography Event and what tips worked and what didn’t work - in other words, what did we learn?
  • Topic: On Facebook we asked “At the last meeting we talked about holding a camera/equipment sale to sell some camera gear. I have spoken to Sue at MontiArts and she is happy to let us use the building for our sale. Below are the next available weekend dates. Please let me know if you have a preference or if you want me to look further out. July 20-21, September 7-8, September 21-22, September 28-29.” So far, September 28-29th has the most votes. Comments?
  • Topic: Upcoming Topics/assignments? How about cityscape/architecture. With the artwork changes in Monticello (or elsewhere), this might make a good topic. I have a short video by Henry Hudson with 5 tips on doing this type of photography. I don’t know that we have covered this before so it would be a nice change. September maybe? Assignment for October then could be Cityscape/Architecture. Any more ideas for the rest of the year?

July 17

  • Assignment: Summer Celebrations
  • Topic: Neutral Density Filters and others presented by Bob Somerville

August 21

  • Assignment: Photo taken or edited with filters
  • Topic: Still Life/Table Top - Rick Lockhart will present/demonstrate

September 18

  • Assignment: Still Life/Table Top
  • Topic: Low Light Photography - need speaker or video yet

September 28 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Swap and Sale at the MontiArts building at 349 W Broadway Street, Monticello MN. Members of our Monticello Camera Club will be bringing in the used equipment and offering to swap or sell their equipment with others interested in camera/photo gear. Make sure to attend. We will be providing a list of just some of the items on our website and hopefully in advertising for it prior to the sale.

October 16

  • Assignment: Low Light Photography or Close to Home - photos taken in your yard or out the window, anything close to home
  • Topic: Architecture/Cityscape – Videos presented of training by Hudson Henry

November 16

Architectural Photo Shoot on Saturday, from 1-3 pm. We can meet out there and take photos. Contact Jean Davids (webmaster) for full information.

November 20

  • Assignment:  Architecture/Cityscape
  • Topic: Lensball photography including refraction photography in general presented by Jean Davids

December 18

  • Assignment: No assignment due to Jean's absence from meeting.
  • Topic: Annual Holiday meeting - bring your spouse or significant other. Discussion is whatever you like.


January 17

  • Assignment: Faces
  • Topic: Video Editing - Jean Davids and Anthony Hall will discuss some of the techniques they use and others can join in as well.

February 21

  • Assignment: Show edited videos
  • Topic: Travel Photography - Anthony Hall will discuss his recent trip and share tips on how to take good travel photos.
  • Photographer of the Month: none


No meeting - attend the 15th and FINAL Monticello Photo Show at its new location, the Best Western Conference Room in Monticello. The dates of the show are March 17th & 18th.

April 18

  • Assignment: Travel Photography
  • Topic: Lighting Techniques - Pro Photographer Wayne Mayer ( will be discussing the topic of lighting.
  • Topic: Jean Davids will discuss upcoming elections. Spots open are President (replacing Steve Fowler), Treasurer (replacing Jerrie Ahrens) and board member (replacing Arne Myrabo). We have volunteers for the Treasurer spot (Sheri Lockhart) and Board member (Bob Somerville or Heather Reinhart). Need someone to step up for President.

Club dues are now being collected April through May for the May 2018 to April 2019 period. Renew now. Jean Davids will bring forms for renewal.

May 16

  • Pick up Photo Show Entries before meeting
  • Assignment: Photos using different lighting techniques
  • Topic: Annual Meeting
  • Topic: Election Results
  • Topic: Drone Rules and Regulation - presented by Matthew Breiter

Club dues are now being collected April through May for the May 2018 to April 2019 period. Renew now. Jean Davids will bring forms for renewal.

June 20

  • Assignment: Springtime and/or Birds
  • Topic: Art in Photography - Steve Fowler will share his Art Wolf video on the topic
  • Topic: Future assignments/topics

July 18

  • Assignment: Art in Photography
  • Topic: Bob Somerville will give a quick presentation on how he did his photo “twirling” technique for his winning Creative Techniques entry
  • Topic: Christopher Cline - Freelance artist who will sharing his work with his dog Juji. It depicts a man (himself) and his very large dog Juji.

August 15

  • Assignment(s): photography special effect using photo editing and Art in Photography
  • Topic: Group Q&A – bring in problem photos or questions and have a group discussion of solutions
  • Topic: Jean Davids will briefly discuss work of the agenda committee so far and results of survey
  • Topic: Heather and/or Jean will discuss the Creative City Celebration is Sat Aug 25th from 2 to 5:00 on Walnut near Wells Fargo/the Community Center event in Monticello

September 19

  • Assignment: End of Summer
  • Topic: Jeff LaVigne will demonstrate Mobile Editing Apps (iPad)

October 17

  • Assignment: Edited images and explain what you did
  • Topic: Gadget Show and Tell (Note: Anthony suggests that we let Jean know what/how many gadgets you will be bringing so we have an idea of how much time will be needed. It was requested that Anthony bring his Go Pro.

November 28 - Note: The date has been changed from the 21st (day before Thanksgiving) to the 28th

  • Assignment: Halloween/Night images
  • Topic: Best Vacation photos and include tips you have for taking them and whatever info is worth sharing. Let Jean know if you can/will participate. We encourage all to participate and share a few images and comments.

December 19

  • (Note: Kevin Juliot will be running the equipment this month in Jean’s place)
  • Holiday meeting - informal & eat. Spouses/significant others are encouraged to attend. Plan on eating at the meeting. It's our way of saying Thank You to River City Extreme for allowing us meeting space.
  • Assignment: Holiday images / Family Traditions (try out your Norman Rockwell photo skills) - send photos to Kevin Juliot
  • Topic: Taking photos of Holiday Lights - group discussion of how you get your photos to work best. Ask questions, discuss.


January 18

  • Assignment: winter
  • Topic: Bokeh - Bring your camera and tripod so we can all experiment with taking photos using Christmas lights as background for shooting objects and trying different bokeh effects. Claire, Jean and Bob will coordinate bringing in the supplies to take photos but feel free to bring in small objects to use for your own photos.
  • Photographer of the Month: Denise & Frank Barger
February 15
  • Assignment: Winter critters
  • Topic: Ken Bachofer will speak on the Do's and Don't for Better Outdoor Photos. (Note: the topic of Exposure Compensation will be taught at a later date.) The presentation will include:
    • Be There, Be Ready
    • Lighter Side of Nature
    • All About Light
    • Composition Basics
    • Shutter Speed - Fast Action or Slow
  • Photographer of the Month: Jerrie Ahrens


  • No meeting - attend the Monticello Photo Show instead

April 19

  • Assignment: Exposure Compensation - bring in no more than 6 photos - 3 sets of before/after images (no exposure compensation used and then exposure compensation used).
  • Topic: Brian Muckerhirn will bring examples of mounting photos on various objects and we hope will speak about the process for doing this. Still in process of discussion but has been arranged.
  • Photographer of the Month: Darrell Pikkaraine

May 17

  • Pick up your Photo Show Entries - others can pick up their photos between 6-7 pm
  • Assignment: No assignment this month - time will be spent on the topic instead.
  • Annual Meeting - announcement of officers and Treasurer report and any old/new business
  • Topic: Bryan Hansel - “Thorough Composition” which discussed a number of other techniques beyond just rule of thirds.
  • Class from 3:30-6:30 pm for those who signed up. Meet at 3:30 pm at Ellison Park in Monticello (behind the hospital) for a 3 hour session.

June 21

  • Assignment: try different composition techniques (as followup to Bryan Hansel’s training in May)
  • Topic: Shooting Macro – Group discussion on macro techniques – bring your equipment in to experiment
  • Photographer of the Month: Craig Starr

July 19

  • Assignment: Macro
  • Topic: Black & White (bring in laptops and demonstrate ways that you like to convert to B&W – group discussion)
  • Photographer of the Month: skipping this month

August 16

  • Assignment: Black & White
  • Topic: Summer Landscape
  • Photographer of the Month: Cindy Mendel

September 20

  • Assignment: Summer Landscape
  • Topic: Minimalism
  • Photographer of the Month: Heather Reinhart

October 18

  • Assignment: Minimalism
  • Topic: Fall Colors
  • Photographer of the Month: Anthony Hall

November 15

  • Assignment: Fall Colors
  • Topic: Shooting video
  • Photographer of the Month: Phil Pippo

December 20

  • Holiday meeting - informal & eat
  • Assignment: play short videos taken if anyone has some to share. Bring them in on USB flash drive or talk to Jean about how to get them to her.
  • Topic: faces – Rick Lockhart said he would share some of what he has done so we could get inspired
  • Spouses/significant others are encouraged to attend. Plan on eating at the meeting. It's our way of saying Thank You to River City Extreme for allowing us meeting space.


January 20

  • Assignment: Emotions- expressions
  • Photographer of the month: Val Somerville will be our Photographer of the Month and do a 10 minute presentation about their work - need volunteers for other months
  • Topic: Rick Lockhart will do a presentation on Boats/Trains/Planes
  • Topic: Discuss Bryan Hansel Night Photography class - BRING YOUR MONEY if you plan to attend $50 for 3 hours after class time learning hands on night photography with Bryan Hansel
  • Topic: Bob Somerville and Craig Starr will discuss the upcoming photo show
  • Topic: Jean will discuss the need for volunteers to run for office. Need to vote on President, Treasurer, and Board Member at Large (Arne’s position). Also needed a volunteer to replace Lisa for her Board Member at Large position.

February 17

  • Topic: Bryan Hansel - Night Photography - workshop for those who have paid follows meeting around 8:30 pm
  • Topic: Bob Somerville and Craig Starr will discuss photo show
  • Topic: Jean Davids will discuss upcoming elections - Need to vote on President, Treasurer, and Board Member (Arne’s position)
  • Turn in your photo show entries prior to the meeting

March - No meeting. Attend our Annual Monticello Photo Show

April 20

  • Assignment: Night Photography and/or Boats/Trains/Planes (postponed from February meeting)
  • Jerrie Ahrens will show her winning photo(s) from the Bertram Lakes Photo Contest
  • Photographer of the month: Sanford Smith
  • Topic: Elections - Need to vote on President, Treasurer, and Board Member (Arne’s position)
  • Topic: Photo Show summary

May 18

  • Assignment: swans
  • Photographer of the month: Bob Somerville
  • Topic: Lightroom and Photoshop Q&A - Ken, Keith, Jean and others will try to answer your questions. Bring questions and/or photos you wish to learn how to work with.

June 15

  • Assignment: spider web or pets
  • Photographer of the month: Keith Drake
  • Topic: Fix a photo. Share before and after

July 20

  • Assignment: water
  • Photographer of the month: Sharon Johnson
  • Topic: Drone Photography - presented by Matthew Breiter from Long Prairie, MN

August 17

  • Assignment: Architecture
  • Photographer of the month: Lynn Anderson
  • Topic: Arne Myrabo will be doing a presentation on moths/mothing

September 21

  • Assignment: slow motion or high speed
  • Photographer of the month: Jean Davids
  • Topic: Gimbal Photography using the DJI Osmo

October 19

  • Assignment: nature’s patterns
  • Photographer of the month: Larry Wilson
  • Topic: Jessica Scott, BFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 2006, will come to our October meeting to talk about taking artistic pictures/composing/framing and also critiquing photos—how to do a “useful critique.”

November 16

  • Assignment: product
  • Photographer of the month: Aaron Schluender
  • Topic: Single Source Lighting - members should bring in items they use for doing single source lighting, product lighting will also be discussed.

December 21

  • Assignment: phone photography - photos taken with your cell phone
  • Topic: Holiday informal & eat
  • Topic: Bob & Val Somerville's Alaska trip, anyone else with Alaska photos to share should feel free to bring theirs in as well. In addition, spouses are encouraged to attend as well. Plan on eating at the meeting. It's our way of saying Thank You to River City Extreme for allowing us meeting space.


January 21

  • Assignment: Snow (for instance, compensating for overexposed color of snow, use of neutral density filter to help correct, etc)
  • Topic: Flash – use of one external flash and discussion of variables like adjusting power levels, sync type, etc. - Bob Somerville will lead a discussion of the use of external flash -
  • Bring your camera and flash units and we will make this a discussion on the topic so we can learn from each other
  • Discuss open items pertaining to the photo show

February 18

  • Assignment: Flash (make use of what you learned in January)
  • Presentation: Tintype Photography by Carla Rodriguez, Minneapolis
  • Bring your Photo Show Entries for submission from 6-7 pm before the meeting. Only chance to drop them off with the club for free.


  • No meeting - attend Monticello Photo Show at River City Extreme

April 15

  • Assignment: Open – photographer’s choice. Be inspired by photos at photo show.
  • Topic: Light painting, light effects, steel wool – do this outdoors as hands on. Bring in camera gear and tripods to give all this a try.
  • Discuss requirements for annual meeting in May
    • Get volunteers to run for annual officer elections. Nominations for elections held via email between April & May meetings.
    • Discuss what will be happening at annual meeting in May

May 20

  • Assignment: Raindrop Images
  • Topic: Annual Meeting - presentation of new officers - Secretary (Jean Davids) and Board Member at Large #1 (Lisa Tetzlaff). No one stepped up to run for office at the April meeting or via email. Since the current board members were willing to do the job again, they were re-elected again by lack of opponents for another 2 year term.
  • Treasurer’s report to be read by Ken Kvam. Any new business or ideas for the new year will be discussed.
  • Please note that DUES must be paid by the end of the May meeting or you risk getting those nagging emails from Jean Davids about rejoining. Some people paid at the April meeting or by mailing in their dues. Cost is $12 annually. You can print off forms from our website on the Contact Us page or we have copies at the meeting for you to fill out. ( Please see Ken Kvam about payment of your dues at the meeting.
  • Topic: Lenses. Bring in your camera and lenses for discussions of various lens types and the pros and cons and how you use them and why you like different types. Can break into small groups to discuss and learn from one another.
  • Members who entered the Monticello Photo Show will have their photos returned to them at this meeting. If you cannot attend, you should make other arrangements to have returned or let Bob know you don’t want them back.

June 17

  • Assignment: Macro/close-up
  • Bring your laptops (those who can) and ask questions regarding Lightroom, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, and computers in general. Volunteers to help coach others?
  • July light painting event at Carol’s place will need to be rescheduled

July 15

  • Introductions
  • Display Assignment Photos: Within 100 feet of your back door
  • Lynn:  Interest in Critiques of photos?
  • Lynn:  Committee membership updates needed
  • Lynn:  Interest in club volunteer opportunities – Q&A
  • Topic: Arne Myrabo – Dragonfly Photography
  • Lisa Tetzlaff – reminder of upcoming Arts Alliance events/training
  • Q&A
  • NOTE: Meeting of the Agenda Committee will follow the regular meeting

August 19

  • Assignment: People
  • Topic: Lisa Tetzlaff will share photos and thoughts regarding her Costa Rico adventure
  • Topic: Heather Reinhart - Baby Photography

September 16

  • Assignment: Sunrise/sunset/twilight
  • Topic: Flash Demo by Dave Johnson of National Camera Exchange

October 21

  • Assignment: Sports/action/motion
  • Topic: Sports Photography - speaker needed yet

November 18

  • Assignment: Architectural
  • Topic: Claire McGillic will talk briefly about Lens Calibration. She will then give members an opportunity to work with her calibration setup to calibrate their lens (as time permits). For a list of cameras with this capability see the following website:
  • Topic: Still Life - On Site Shootout - competition between groups shooting a still life - images will be edited and voted on at the December meeting

December 16

  • Assignment: Silhouettes/shadows
  • Topic: Bring in still life images from November meeting to be voted on by members for ‘best image’.
  • Topic: Q&A
  • Annual holiday meeting – bring spouse/significant other/friend and share a meal with all attending. You buy.


January 15

  • Present Assignment for January - Holiday Memories
  • Discuss Assignment for February - Macro Techniques
  • Dee Kotaska - Cell phone photography demo
February 19
  • Present Assignment for January & February - Holiday Memories & Macro Techniques
  • Discuss Assignment for April - Compositional techniques
  • Present Assignment for February - Macro Techniques
  • Discuss Assignment for April - Compositional techniques
  • Followup on photos at dental office in Big Lake - Craig Starr spoke with Dr Dill at Corner Oak Dental in Big Lake is very interested in having the photo club display in his new office. Jean Davids followed up with him to see what his requirements might be. It looks like we might be able to display up to around 15 16x20 framed images and maybe up to 5 larger sized ones. Environment these would be in range from individual dental workstation areas to the waiting room (still only 16x20 or smaller) and their patient bathroom areas as well as some hallway areas. The hallway areas are not as available as he had hoped as the contractor did some things that made hanging artwork. We will discuss interest. Will be able to display information regarding photographer and pricing if photos are for sale. Is interested in work that will bring the outside in and especially things related to local area or to the lake superior area. “Relaxing” images would be good for dental rooms.
  • Present info from Dee Kotaska: "Every May our photo club has an exhibit of framed pieces hung in an exhibit. We usually invite a member of a neighboring club to visit and do a commentary on the photos in the exhibit. The commentary is sort of a suggestion/comment format rather than a critique as such. Would either of you or someone from your club be interested. It would be the 3rd Monday in May in the evening 7pm. in Mora.”
  • Bob - report on Photo Show - ask for any needed volunteers - sign up for time slots for show, etc.
  • BRING IN YOUR PHOTO SUBMISSIONS FOR THE PHOTO SHOW. Bob & Val will be there early to pick up your photos. This will allow you to enter without the need for postage costs. You will be able to pick them up again at the May meeting.
  • No meeting - attend Monticello Photo Show at River City Extreme
April 16 (meeting was canceled due to weather)
  • Present Assignment for April - Compositional techniques
  • Discuss Assignment for May - Movement
  • Presentation by John Pennoyer - Composition (rescheduled)
  • Discuss Election of Officers
May 21
  • Present Assignment for April - Compositional techniques
  • Discuss Assignment for May - Movement
  • Present Assignment for May - Movement
  • Discuss Assignment for June - What’s in Your Park - Flora and Fauna
  • Craig Starr - Enlarging Images
  • Presentation of new officers
June 18
  • Present Assignment for June - What’s in Your Park - Flora and Fauna
  • Discuss Assignment for July - Water
  • Carol Heesen will discuss her experiences with Stock Photos
  • Share your favorite photo blog or website
  • Steve F will share yet to be determined photo tips
July 16
  • Present Assignment for July - Water
  • Discuss Assignment for August - Open Topic - try something new and outside the box
August 20
  • Present Assignment for August - Open Topic - try something new and outside the box
  • Discuss Assignment for September - Long and/or Multi-Exposure
  • John Pennoyer - Composition
September 17
  • Present Assignment for September - Long and/or Multi-Exposure
  • Discuss Assignment for October - Wildlife and/or Domestic Life
  • Ken Kvam - Time Lapse Photography

October 15

  • Present Assignment for October - Wildlife and/or Domestic Life
  • Discuss Assignment for November - Selective focus (DOF)
  • Bob - Talk briefly about the Swan fundraiser
  • Discuss committee chair assignments
    • Agenda-Steve Fowler curring looking
    • Events-Open
    • Finance-Ken Kvam Treasurer
    • Photo Show-Bob Somerville

November 19

  • Present Assignment for November - Selective focus (DOF)
  • Discuss Assignment for December - Seasonal - winter, fall, holidays
  • Discuss photo show categories
  • Discuss topics to cover for coming year
  • Open forum - discuss where we want meetings to go / topics to cover
  • Discuss holiday meeting - spouse plus guest

December 17

  • Present Assignment for December - Seasonal - winter, fall, holidays
  • Discuss Assignment for January - Snow (for instance, compensating for overexposed color of snow, use of neutral density filter to help correct, etc)
  • Topic: Bring your own camera and we'll break up into groups as desired to ask questions of one another and share information about cameras or just socialize as desired.
  • Annual holiday meeting. Bring your spouse/significant other/friend. We plan to have this as a dinner meeting. It's our chance to show River City Extreme our appreciation for the use of the room. You buy your own meals/drinks.


January 16

  • Present assignment for January - The Holidays
  • Discuss assignment for February - Bulb/time exposures
February 20
  • Present Assignment for February - Bulb/time exposures
  • Discuss assignment for April - Architectural details
  • Sanford Smith will do his presentation on glass cutting/framing/matting
March - No meeting - attend the Monticello Photo Show on 3/23-3/24 at River City Extreme April 17
  • Present Assignment for April - Architectural
  • Discuss assignment for May - Spring
  • Discuss upcoming annual meeting in May, includes nominations for office (secretary and director at large) and payment of annual dues and if there are any changes to the by-laws to be made (voting done by email between April and May meeting).
  • Managing Editor from the Monticello Times, Tim Hennagir, will discuss photography needs for their paper
  • Jon Holtz will present his photos and experience from recent trip to Cuba
May 15
  • Present Assignment for May - Spring
  • Discuss assignment for June- Sports Action
  • Annual Camera Club Meeting
  • Payment of Dues
  • Treasurer Report
  • Turnover of Board Members - outgoing Steve Fowler, incoming Lisa Tetzlaff
  • Bring in 8x10 or 11x14 prints matted to no more than 16x20, black frames preferred to unify look, will be on display at Riverwood Bank. Need 9 prints total. Everyone welcome to bring yours in and vote will be taken for the top 9 for display.
  • Pick up your photos from the Monticello Photo Show
June 19
  • Present Assignment for June - Sports Action
  • Discuss assignment for July - OPEN - Photographers Choice
July 17
  • Present Assignment for July - OPEN - Photographers Choice
  • Discuss assignment for August - Urban Landscapes
  • Heather Reinhart and Christine Salls will discuss the idea of creating a "bucket list" for great and/or personal favorite places to shoot. Bring a list of your favorite places to shoot or that you would like to shoot.
  • If there is time, we will show Lesson 1 from the "Greatest Courses - Fundamentals of Photography" DVD that was purchased based on discussion at last month's meeting. The topic: "Making Good Pictures".
August 21
  • Present Assignment for August - Urban Landscapes
  • Discuss Assignment for September - Local Celebrations
  • If there is time, we will show Lesson 1 from the "Greatest Courses - Fundamentals of Photography" DVD that was purchased based on discussion at last month's meeting. The topic: "Making Good Pictures".
September 18
  • Present Assignment for September - Local Celebrations
  • Discuss Assignment for October - Reflections
October 16
  • Present Assignment for October - Reflections
  • Discuss Assignment for November - After Dark
November 20
  • Present Assignment for November - After Dark
  • Discuss Assignment for December - Shadows
  • Bob Somerville will discuss Photo Show and talk about volunteers needed
  • Val Somerville will discuss club funds. Discuss options for December holiday meeting.
  • Steve Fowler will lead a discussion on flash accessories and tripods. Come prepared to ask or answer questions about your gear or potential gear.
December 18
  • Present Assignment for December - Shadows
  • Discuss Assignment for January 15, 2014 - Holiday Memories
  • Holiday party


January 18

  • Assignment - Christmas
  • Discuss assignment for February meeting  - Taking pictures in the snow
February 15
  • Present last month’s assignment - Taking pictures in the snow
  • Supplemental Presentation by John Richardson on HDR
  • Discuss assignment for April meeting  - The Zoo
March 21 April 18
  • Discussion regarding Annual Meeting in May - present candidate nominees
  • Annual Dues need to be paid at or before meeting in May (see Contact Us Page for form)
  • Present Assignment from February's assignment - The Zoo, also bring in your HDR photos
  • Discuss assignment for May meeting - Reflections
  • Jon Holz will present info on his trip to China.
May 16
  • Annual Meeting – Annual Dues needs to be paid - reminder is in the mail
  • Present last month’s assignment  - Reflections
  • Discuss assignment for June  - Back Yard Nature - Supplemental Presentation
  • Lisa Tetzlaff will present info on her trip to Belize.
June 20
  • Last chance to PAY YOUR ANNUAL DUES
  • Present last month’s assignment - Back Yard Nature
  • Discuss assignment for July - The best of Fireworks
July 18
  • Present last month’s assignment - The best of Fireworks
  • Discuss assignment for August - Action and Motion
August 15
  • Present last month’s assignment - Action and Motion - John Richardson will demo his peppers splashed in a water tank setup
  • Discuss assignment for September - Black and White
September 19
  • Present last month’s assignment - Black and White
  • Discuss assignment for October - Long exposures (night) Light painting
October 17
  • Present last month’s assignment - Long exposures (night) Light painting
  • Discuss assignment for November - Autumn Color
November 14
  • Present last month’s assignment - Autumn Color
  • Discuss assignment for December - Shapes, Abstract, and Silhouettes
December 19
  • Present last month's assignment - Shapes, Abstract, and Silhouettes
  • Discuss assignment for January - The Holidays
  • Holiday Social - We're planning a fun evening. Food menus will be provided at our River City Extreme location. Each member will pay for his/her own food/beverage choices. Prizes will be drawn for those paid members in attendance. Among the prizes are: two $10 gift certificates to River City Extreme, a free membership to the camera club for next year, sets of cards donated from Arne, Jean, Somervilles and an autographed book by Stan Stan Tekiela's signed books. All paid members who attend are eligible for that night's drawings. We will draw names, have winner take pick gift of choice until all gifts are given.


January 19

  • Topic:  Shawn  Nielsen  presenting  on  the  technical  aspects   of  photography  (ISO/shutter speeds/apertures)  
  • Assignment: Action/Motion - Variety  of  photo  techniques   such  as  pan, zoom, action, etc.
February 16
  • Topic: Manual Photography Experimentation - group discussion
  • Assignment: Shoot an image with each white balance option
March April 20
  • Topic: Best Camera Accessories (bags, memory cards, and anything else you can think of) - group discussion
  • Assignment: Shoot with and without fill in flash - shoot shadows
May 18
Annual Meeting (limited this year) and Annual Dues need to be paid (payable to Monticello Camera Club - you will receive an email with instructions and a form to complete).
  • Topic: All About Light (qualities, how to use it, modify it, etc) - group discussion
  • Assignment: Shoot a rainy day

June 15 - PAY YOUR ANNUAL DUES if you haven't already

  • Topic: Share Your Favorite Shooting Spot-group discussion (can offer to be a guide for trip to your shooting spot)
  • Assignment: Experiments with Light (follow up to May topic)
July 20
  • Topic: Night Photography Outdoors - group discussion or presenter
  • Assignment: What I did this summer
August 17
  • Topic: Macro and Close up Photography - demonstration by Ken Kvam
  • Assignment: Moon (follow up to July Topic)
September 21
  • Photo Shoot: Larry Wilson will be sharing photos he took during his extended vacation in Alaska this year
  • Topic: How to shoot/build panoramic images as well as other photo editing techniques - group discussion or presenter
  • Assignment: Shoot a scene, pick a spot and close in on it, do it again closer and closer, what did you gain or lose?
October 19
  • Topic: Non-Photoshop Editing Software - such as Hugin, Helicon Filter, Picasa - presenter Jean Davids and Arne Myrabo
  • Assignment: Sunsets/Sunrise
November 16
  • Topic: Monitor Calibration - group discussion or presenter
  • Assignment: Patterns
December 21
  • Holiday Social - Food available at our River City Extreme location. Each member will pay for his/her own food/beverage choices.
  • Topic: General discussion by the group - open forum
  • Assignment: Favorite Memories


January 20

  • Topic: Camera Club display ideas for this years annual Photo Show plus any other photo show related items
  • Topic: Sharing of photos and critique - Presented by Chris Lommel - Bring your photos to share and get input/critique. Here's a link to a website ( that gives you more information on how to do a photo critique.
  • Assignment: Christmas
February 17
  • Topic: Basic camera cleaning, how to's and a Q&A for all camera related settings. This be geared to all levels of photographers. Bring your camera – Presented by Jim Olson, Central Camera, Coordinated by Bob S
  • Christmas (carried over from January), and "My Camera"
No Meeting, Please Attend the Annual Riverside Photo Show in Monticello at the Monticello Community Center - March 27-28.
  • March 1 - Deadline to submit photos for the photo show
  • March 4 - Review of photo entries
  • March 17 - Finalize photo show (Velcro/tags/etc)
  • March 27-28 - Photo show
April 21
  • Topic: Portrait Studio Experience, Portrait Lighting & Posing – Presented by Wendy & Kelly
  • Assignment: Think outside the box
May 19
  • Topic: Understanding Camera settings - bring your camera - Group Discussion
  • Featured Photographer: Jon Holtz
  • Assignment: Paperwork or business
June 16
  • Topic: Prep for Fireworks – Presented by Carol
  • Assignment: Someone you don't know
July 21
  • Topic: Photoshop Elements and Photoshop - Jean
  • Assignment: Try something new
August 18
  • Topic: Lenses - show and tell - describe best lenses and experiences with different types
  • Assignment: An animal
September 15
  • Topic: Photo Managing Software Review – Presented by Jean Davids with camera club group participation/discussion
  • Assignment: The every day
October 20
  • Topic: Shooting in Manual mode and follow up to camera settings - bring your camera
  • Assignment: My most unusual photograph
November 17
  • Topic: Photoshop & Photoshop Elements – Presented by Jeanne & Jean
  • Assignment: Autumn foliage
December 15
  • Holiday Social - Food available at our River City Extreme location. Each member will pay for his/her own food/beverage choices.
  • Discussion: Bring photos for suggestions, and general Q&A by members for members
  • Assignment: Beverage


January 21

  • Topic: Q&A re: Buying & Selling on eBay, Photographing for eBay – Presented by Jeanne Marquette
  • Assignment: Mirror
  • Discussion relating to photo show in March. Discussion regarding a “club” gallery show. Discussion regarding planning a field trip(s)
    • Art Shows, Museums, Parks, Zoos, Conservatory, Swan Park Etc. Bring your ideas.
February 18
  • Topic: The guest presenter will be Robert Wilde (Robert Wild Studios). He is a member of the Cokato Camera Club. He will speak regarding pinhole photography. Organized by Larry Wilson.
  • Assignment: Automotive

March (No regular meeting)

Attend the Monticello Arts Council Annual Photo Show held Sat-Sun, Apr 4-5 at the Monticello Community Center, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362

April 15

  • Topic: The guest presenter will be Jim Olson (Central Camera). He will speak regarding general maintenance on cameras & question and answer for settings and how-to's. Be sure to bring your camera gear and questions!! Organized by Bob Somerville.
  • Assignment: Still Life
May 20
  • Topic: Cutting mats, matting your photos, and making your own frames – Presented by Sanford
  • Featured Photographer: Brigett
  • Assignment: Rain
June 17
  • Discussion: My favorite famous photographer – Bring information to share!
  • Discussion: Wedding Photography
  • Assignment: “Makes me smile”
  • Assignment #2: Look up or Look down
July 15
  • Topic: “Back light” (and artificial light) - Presented by Larry (bring polarizing filter for his demonstration)
  • Featured Photographer - Brigett
  • Assignment: Play
  • Discussion/Suggestions for 2010 Agenda & other “business”
August 19
  • Topic: Light meters – Changed to High Dynamic Range Photography (HDR) – Presented by Claire/Patrick McGillic
  • Discussion: Bring your “bad photos” for discussion and correction ideas
  • Assignment: Alleys
September 16
  • Topic: Creating a Blog – Presented by Brigett (And possibly, guest speaker for creating a website, coordinated by Brigett)
  • Discussion: Macro-photography
  • Assignment: Twilight
October 21
  • Topic: Sports Photography – Presented by Guest Speaker, Greg Kremer, coordinated by Jeanne
  • Assignment: “What is it?”
  • Discuss Facebook Group and demo use of it
November 18
  • Topic: Photoshop Elements and Photoshop (Noise Reduction, Copyrights, other) – Presented by Jean D
  • Featured Photographer: Wendy Dappen
  • Assignment: Ghetto - can be anything that might represent this thought
  • Additional Topic: The move to River City Extreme and what it means for us now
  • Additional Topic: The 2010 Photo Show - volunteers for Committee or Presenting a classroom topic
  • Additional Topic: 2010 Camera Club Schedule
December 16
  • Holiday Social - Food can be ordered at our new meeting location, River City Extreme. Each member will pay for his/her own food/beverage choices. They have an appetizer menu that we can order from as well.
  • Topic: Bring photos for suggestions, and general Q&A by members for member
  • Topic: Brief Presentation by Wendy D and Jean D: Taking photos with white balance card set and using that to white balance your photos in Adobe Photoshop Elements
  • Topic: Photo Show Volunteer opportunities
  • Assignment: 4 Seasons



Matthew Breiter

Photo Courtesy of Matthew Breiter Photography

All images © photographers of the Monticello Camera Club.

The photographic works of the photographers posted here are copyrighted. Any reproduction of proofs or portraits by other than the individual photographer is prohibited by Federal Law.

If you experience problems with our website, please contact the webmaster.

Monticello Camera Club
1711 Winnebago Street
Big Lake MN 55309


Photography, Camera Club, Camera Clubs, Cameras