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Meeting Minutes



Monticello Photo Show

Updated: June 25, 2024

The Monticello Camera Club

Monticello, MN


What's New

This page will be used to let our members know status of changes made to our website. If you see issues with our website, contact us at our email address.


6/25/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

5/17/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

4/28/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutest pages. Also did a major upgrade to the whole site including finding broken links, orphaned files and spell checking every page. Whew! I also deleted pages from the menu that are no longer relevant and updated the home page to reflect our 20th year as a club.

3/29/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

3/15/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

2/3/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.


1/1/24, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

12/1/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

11/2/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

10/3/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

09/13/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages (August meeting minutes).

07/26/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

06/28/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

05/25/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

04/26/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

03/20/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

02/17/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

01/19/23, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

01/10/23, Updated the Home, Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.


12/14/22, Updated the Calendar page with 2023 activities.

11/23/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

10/26/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

10/3/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

8/28/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

7/16/22, Updated the Calendar page.

6/21/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

5/29/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

4/25/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

3/21/22, Updated the Home, Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

2/16/22, Updated the Home, Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

1/23/22, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.


12/19/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

11/20/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

10/24/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

9/20/21, Updated the Home, Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

9/15/21, Updated the Calendar page.

8/28/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

7/22/21, Updated the Contact Us page as well as the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages. Also updated others as needed to change our email address.

6/18/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

5/31/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

4/27/21, Updated the Meeting Minutes page.

4/23/21, Updated the Calendar page.

3/19/21, Updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

2/28/21, Updated the Meeting Minutes page with Freezing Soap Bubbles video link.

2/21/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

1/25/21, Updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

1/15/21, Updated our 2021 Calendar page. If you have any changes you would like to see made, let us know.


12/23/20, Took a while but I updated the Home, Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

11/24/20, FINALLY updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

11/6/20, updated the Meeting Minutes page to reflect the checkbook authorization will be Jean Davids and Heather Reinhart.

10/27/20, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

10/11/20, updated the Calendar page.

9/17/20, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

8/24/20, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

7/17/20, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

7/15/20, updated the Contact Us page with updated version of the Membership Renewal Form.

7/14/20, updated the Calendar page.

6/12/20, updated the Calendar and Home page to reflect meetings resuming in July.

5/2/20, updated the Calendar page as well as our Home page to reflect more cancellations of meetings.

4/10/20, updated the Calendar page to reflect April Meeting opportunity.

3/27/20, updated the Calendar, Meeting Minutes and Home pages to reflect the current updates on meetings.

3/15/20, updated the Calendar page to reflect the canceled March 18th meeting.

2/22/20, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

1/21/20, updated the Links page to include information about camera rentals from Adorama.

1/20/20, updated the Links page to include video training offered by Adorama.

1/16/20, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

1/10/20, updated the Calendar, Meeting Minutes and About Us pages.


1/10/20, updated the Calendar page.

12/5/19, updated the Calendar page.

11/27/19, updated the Calendar and the Meeting Minutes pages.

11/14/19, updated the Calendar page.

10/20/19, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

9/24/19, updated the Meeting Minutes page to add in Heather's information that she presented at the September meeting.

9/22/19, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

9/5/19, updated the Calendar page with the revised agenda for the rest of 2019.

8/22/19, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages. Thanks Heather Reinhart for taking notes and providing them for our members!

8/16/19, updated the Calendar page.

7/21/19, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

6/25/19, updated the Calendar page.

6/22/19, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

6/14/19, updated the Calendar page.

5/17/19, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

4/19/19, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

03/26/19, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

03/15/19, updated the Calendar page to reflect assignments/topics for April, May and June.

02/21/19, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar Pages.

01/30,19, updated the Meeting Minutes page. Had the date on it as December.

01/18/19, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.


12/27/18, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

12/15/18, updated the Calendar page.

11/29/18, updated the Calendar and the Meeting Minutes pages.

10/22/18, updated the Calendar page. Changed the date for the November meeting from the 21st (day before Thanksgiving) to the 28th.

10/19/18, updated the Calendar page - I had the dates wrong for October, November and December meetings. Oops... Also updated the Meeting Minutes page. Included the Minor [Child] Photo Release Form within the meeting minutes.

9/22/18, updated the Home, Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

8/18/18, updated the Meeting Minutes page by adding the 2018 Survey Results.

8/17/18, updated the Calendar page and Meeting Minutes page.

8/14/18, updated the Home page with the upcoming Creative City Celebration information for 8/25/18.

8/11/18, updated the Calendar page to show updates related to August and September meetings.

7/22/18, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

7/3/18, updated the Calendar page.

6/25/18, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

6/12/18, updated the Home and Photo Show pages to reflect the future of the Monticello Photo Show by the Monticello Arts Initiative.

6/6/18, updated the Meeting Minutes page with revised May Meeting Minutes.

5/21/18, updated the Meeting Minutes page as well as all other pages due to template changes and removal of photo show from our club responsibilities.

4/23/18, updated the Meeting Minutes page with the April meeting minutes.

4/22/18, updated the Home, Calendar and Photo Show pages to reflect that our club is still very much active despite the rumor that we are gone in addition to the show.

4/13/18, updated the Calendar, Home and Links pages.

3/19/18, updated the Home and Photo Show pages with results from the 2018 Monticello Photo Show. Check out the winning photos.

3/12/18, updated the Home and Photo Show pages with clarifications about the dates/times of the show to make it easier to find.

3/4/18, updated the Calendar, Home and Photo Show pages with new event for July.

2/24/18, updated the Home, Calendar, Links (Marjorie McNeedly Schedule), Meeting Minutes and Photo Show pages.

1/21/18, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

1/12/18, updated the Calendar page.


12/22/17, updated the Home page and the Monticello Photo Show page to announce the new 2018 Monticello Photo Show which is the 15th and FINAL show.

12/21/17, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

11/19/17, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

10/20/17, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

9/25/17, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

8/18/17, updated the Calendar page with those items I missed for November/December time frame.

8/18/17, updated the Calendar page and the Meeting Minutes page.

7/26/17, updated the Calendar page and the Meeting Minutes page.

7/16/17, updated the Links page to correct some broken links there. Also checked spelling and made corrections on all other pages as required.

6/25/17, updated the Calendar and the Meeting Minutes page with the June minutes as which includes the annual Treasurer report.

5/20/17, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages with the May minutes and Bryan Hansel Composition presentation.

4/24/17, updated the the Home page and the Meeting Minutes page and with the April minutes.

4/9/17, updated the 2017 Monticello Photo Show page to correct the orientation of the Botanical winner.

3/21/17, updated over half of the website. Just gonna have to check them all out, especially the Links page and Monticello Photo Show pages.

3/19/17, updated the Home and Monticello Photo Show page to show that the show is done and winners will be posted by 3/25/17.

03/03/17, updated the Calendar page to show April and May meeting updates.

02/20/17, updated the Calendar, Meeting Minutes, Home and Monticello Photo Show pages.

02/06/17, updated the Calendar page to reflect a change in this month's topic.

01/22/17, updated the Home and Monticello Photo Show pages to reflect that entries are now open for the photo show. Also updated the Meeting Minutes page.

01/13/17, updated the Location page to correct broken links.


12/22/16, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

12/21/16, updated the Calendar page to add items for 2017.

12/16/16, updated the Home and Monticello Photo Show pages.

11/18/16, updated the following pages on the website: Home, Calendar, and the Meeting Minutes pages.

10/24/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages. Also updated the Index page to announce that the 2017 Photo Show dates have been picked.

9/26/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

8/30/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages (sorry for the delay).

7/24/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

6/17/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

6/6/16, updated the Calendar page - changes in speakers and dates.

5/24/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

4/27/16, updated the Meeting Minutes and Calendar pages.

3/14/16, updated the Home page and all pages related to the Monticello Photo Show 2004-2016.

3/6/16, updated the Home page and Monticello Photo Show page with the latest on Photo Show hours and information.

2/23/16, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

2/8/16, updated the Photo Show page to include the drop off locations for February.

1/15/16, updated the Meeting Minutes page and the Calendar page to reflect current updates.

1/8/16, updated the Calendar page to reflect this years topics and assignments.


12/29/15, updated the Photo Show page and Home page to provide information about the 2016 Monticello Photo Show.

12/20/15, update the Meeting Minutes page with minutes from the December 16th meeting. Also updated the Calendar page to reflect 2016 dates coming up.

12/6/15, updated the Links page to add some places to go and photography classes coming up.

11/25/15, updated the Calendar page.

11/20/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page with the November meeting minutes.

10/28/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page with the Sports Photography presentation done by Clay Sawatzke of the Monticello Times.

10/27/15, updated the Links page.

9/24/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page as well as the Calendar page.

8/23/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page with the August meeting minutes as well as Heather Reinhart's handout she passed out at the meeting.

8/10/15, updated the Index, Links pages.

7/19/15, updated the Calendar page with topics for remainder of the year.

7/18/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page to add the July meeting minutes.

7/16/15, updated the Calendar page.

7/9/15, updated the Calendar page.

6/23/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page to add our latest meeting minutes.

5/27/15, updated the Calendar page.

5/25/15, updated the Links page to reflect new Educational Training option from Nikon.

5/21/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page with our latest meeting minutes.

5/7/15, updated the Calendar page to reflect the updated May meeting agenda.

4/19/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page with our latest meeting minutes.

4/4/15, updated the Links page to update our Educational Links section. Updated Calendar page.

3/20/15, updated the Photo Show pages to reflect this year's winners of the 2015 Monticello Photo Show.

3/15/15, updated the home page to show winners of the photo contest.

3/1/15, updated the Index (Home) and Photo Show pages to reflect that submissions to the 2015 Photo Show are now closed.

1/26/15, updated the Links page to add in information about Sax Zim Bog.

1/25/15, updated the Meeting Minutes page and the Calendar page.


12/20/14, updated the Meeting Minutes page of the website. Added the updated 2015 Monticello Photo Show updates including Rules and Entry Forms.

12/5/14, updated the Calendar page, again.

12/4/14, updated the Calendar page.

11/22/14, updated the Meeting Minutes page. Includes both November meeting minutes and the Agenda Committee meeting minutes. Also updated the Calendar page with 2015 plans.

11/14/14, updated the Calendar page.

10/19/14, updated the Calendar, Location, and Meeting Minutes pages.

10/13/14, updated the Calendar page.

10/10/14, updated the Calendar page to reflect the addition of November's topic.

09/23/14, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

08/23/14, updated the Calendar, and Meeting Minutes pages.

07/22/14, updated the Calendar page.

07/21/14, added the July meeting minutes to the Meeting Minutes page.

6/26/14, added the June meeting minutes to the Meeting Minutes page.

6/16/14, updated the Calendar page.

6/2/14, sorry this is late. Updated the Meeting Minutes page.

5/15/14, updated the Calendar page.

4/1/14, updated the website with all the 2014 photo show updates. Check out the Monticello Photo Show page(s) for updates.

3/16/14, updated the Home and Monticello Photo Show pages.

2/24/14, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

2/7/14, updated the Monticello Photo Show page to include a new section on Photo Show Advice. This section will cover the common questions we receive regarding mounting photos such as where to find supplies.

1/20/14, updated the Meeting Minutes page with the January meeting minutes which includes links to the handouts that Dee Kotaska was kind enough to provide for us related to iPhone Photography and Apps. Thanks Dee!!


12/29/13, updated the Photoshow page with forms and information for the 2014 Monticello Photo Show.

11/27/13, updated the Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

11/12/13, updated the Links page.

10/22/13, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

10/19/13, updated our Links page to show more info that I shared on our Facebook page on how to find the best parks and nature sites in your area or any area you specify and alternates to national parks. You might find these tools helpful when out searching for areas to take photos.

09/21/13, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

08/28/13, updated the Meeting Minutes page.

07/30/13, just finished adding in this month's meeting minutes. Sorry it's late. Vacation called. Also updated the Calendar, About Us and Index (brochure updated) pages.

06/29/13, just added the survey results we have from 33 of 49 member responses. Thanks to all for your participation. You'll find them on the Meeting Minutes page.

06/28/13, added Meeting Minutes from our June 19th meeting.

05/19/13, added board meeting minutes to the meeting minutes page.

05/17/13, added meeting minutes from our monthly meeting to the meeting minutes page.

4/21/13, added meeting minutes from the 4/17/13 meeting. Updated information regarding new officers within the meeting minutes. Jean Davids is once again voted in as Secretary and Lisa Tetzlaff will now be Board Member replacing Steve Fowler. He will remain on coordinating the Agenda Committee.

On 2/22/13, just added Sanford's notes on matting/framing/glass cutting to the Meeting Minutes page.

On 2/22/13, added links/info to the Monticello Photo Show page and updated the Meeting Minutes pages.

On 1/20/13, added links/info to the Links page under Places to Go for Sherburne Refuge and updated the Eagle Center events information. Adding meeting minutes for our January meeting to the Meeting Minutes page. Also made corrections to the Calendar page where I had entered the January and February meetings dates incorrectly. These and all others have been verified to be the 3rd Wednesday of the month.


On 11/14/12 the Meeting Minutes page was updated as well as the Links page which now includes information on a bald eagle field trip on January 12, 2013. Sign up quick if you are interested in this great opportunity. I also updated the Photo Show page to show we are working on the forms and have set the categories. The Calendar page was also updated to show the next 6 months of assignments and discussions topics.

On 10/21/12 the Meeting Minutes page was updated and includes information on how to take fall color photos and Halloween shots. It also includes information on time lapse photography and the agenda ideas that we are kicking around for upcoming meetings. Let us know if you have preferences for meeting topics/assignments or discussion/demo ideas.

On 9/20/12 updated: Calendar and Meeting Minutes pages.

Updated the Meeting Minutes with the latest meeting minutes and the Links pages with new information presented at our June 20th meeting.

Now collecting annual dues as of our May 2011 meeting. Use the form available on the Contact Us page to join the club and get your dues paid to Jean Davids or Val Somerville (check make out to the club).

Bylaws have been completed and approved unanimously by the officers as of 4/29/11. They have been posted on the About Us page for you to look over to see how our club will be operating. This was one of the last steps that we needed to finalize.

Nonprofit Status of Club (4/27/11) - We now have our own mailing address: Monticello Camera Club, 1711 Winnebago Street, Big Lake, MN 55309. I have added it to our Contact Us page as well as at the bottom of every page on our website. We got our nonprofit status approved so we are now a nonprofit corporation in the state of MN. Our bylaws have been written and were reviewed and agreed upon right before our April 2011 meeting. They just need to be revised and approved by the club officers. Dues will be $12 per person and for additional family members it will be $6 per person (husband and wife would cost $18, parent/child $18, each additional child $6, etc). We will start collecting dues at the May 2011 meeting.



Matthew Breiter

Photo Courtesy of Matthew Breiter Photography

All images © photographers of the Monticello Camera Club.

The photographic works of the photographers posted here are copyrighted. Any reproduction of proofs or portraits by other than the individual photographer is prohibited by Federal Law.

If you experience problems with our website, please contact the webmaster.

Monticello Camera Club
1711 Winnebago Street
Big Lake MN 55309


Photography, Camera Club, Camera Clubs, Cameras